27 January 2010

Seeds of Change

Change is difficult at any age. Allowing myself to reflect invokes so much empathy for our children, whose world is constantly in flux thus constantly demanding them to change. A dynamic world, a place of constant expansion and retraction. We have worked so hard as a family unit and as individuals to change ourselves over the past six months. With luck and a lot of effort, we are reaping the benefits. And the most beautiful part about it comes from the fact that our children were the inspiration and direction for this catharsis.

It was after Jonah's 'diagnosis' that I looked long and hard at my own life, my own temperament. I clearly needed to change in order for him to thrive. After months of even more sadness and anger ensued, I started to accept the terms. He came to us because he needs us and we need him. He is teaching us to be better people, better parents by easing his way in this enormous world of ours.

I had one week of pure freedom, pure soulful living right around the holidays. It was peaceful, and while our lives continued to be tumultuous, I made the conscious choice not to be. Rather quickly, the children took the cue and also found a higher place within themselves from which to perceive the world. We all rose above the mind's negativity and saw that life can be more peaceful than ever.

It was so gratifying to find this place within myself, to feel such a powerful love source. I now know where to find it though some days my mind's eye darkens my path making travel conditions treacherous. The opportunity lies in each day we are given, in each moment. For me, I strive to be better every moment I live knowing I will falter and knowing I will stand up again and do better.


Sep said...

Meg, this is really beautiful. You are such a strong women and wonderful mother.
XOXO, Beth

maijawade said...

I'm glad you are following your "need to write." This post is beautiful. I can relate to your experience, but I'm less practiced at acting it out. The realized successes, although short for me now, are enough to drive continued reflection and work though. Those moments are like candy. Miss you. Maija