31 May 2010

Feeding the family

I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised. We are eating a fair bit of food out of the garden. Ezra's favorite are the shelling peas; Jonah prefers the snap peas but has enjoyed his share of fresh peas! I love having fresh, tender salad greens I can pick fresh every morning in my Mother's Day gift: a harvesting basket.

As May comes to a close, here's what we've eaten from our vegetable garden this month:
  • radishes, two plantings - enough to put in salads everyday
  • pok choy, about 8 heads - enough for about six different meals since early May
  • loose leaf lettuce, pounds and pounds - overabundant by the second week in May 
  • spinach, many pounds
  • snap peas, handfuls at a time
  • shelling peas, bowlfuls at a time
  • tomatoes - three ripe ones and one big slicer ripening as I type
  • basil - made a quart of pesto on May 30(!)
  • strawberries, a handful here and there since last week

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